cab MACH print heads

Thermal printing heads for thermal transfer printers cab (Germany) Mach series. Thermal transfer heads with the addition of “.3” in the index, for example, 4.3 have greater durability and allow both direct thermal on thermal paper and thermal transfer printing using a ribbon ink tape.


SKU: printheads-cab-mach Tag:


SKUNamePrinting resolutionPrint TechnologyPrintersPriceBuy
5430031+cab MACH print heads - MACH1, 203 dpi, thermal transfer203 dpithermal transferMACH1130.00
5430032+cab MACH print heads - MACH2, 203 dpi, thermal transfer203 dpithermal transferMACH2130.00
5430033+cab MACH print heads - MACH1, MACH2, 300 dpi, thermal transfer300 dpithermal transferMACH1, MACH2195.00
5977382.001+cab MACH print heads - Mach4S, 203 dpi, direct thermal, thermal transfer203 dpidirect thermal, thermal transferMach4S390.00
5977383.001+cab MACH print heads - Mach4S, 300 dpi, direct thermal, thermal transfer300 dpidirect thermal, thermal transferMach4S490.00
5977444.001+cab MACH print heads - Mach4S, 300 dpi, thermal transfer300 dpithermal transferMach4S450.00
5977380.001+cab MACH print heads - Mach4S, 600 dpi, thermal transfer600 dpithermal transferMach4S730.00

Additional information



Printing resolution

203 dpi, 300 dpi, 600 dpi

Print Technology

direct thermal, thermal transfer, thermal transfer