Single Coated Tapes

Packing Tapes
Ordinary, tearing, reinforced adhesive tape; Loads tying and fastening tapes; Temporary removables tapes; Dispensers

Masking Tapes
Painting tapes on paper basis; High temperature resistant tapes, masks (РЕТ, PI); Film tapes (PVC, PP)

Protective Tapes
Anti-stick PTFE (TeflonTM) based tapes; Antifriction UHMW-PE based tapes; Especially strong tape (fiberglass cloth, foil)

Signal Tapes
Floor and stair marking; Marking of dangerous corners and ledges of premises, equipment and structures; Color marking of pipelines

Sealing Tapes
8067E Ultra-F, 8045P Ultra-UC, 4411, 4412 Single coated; 8068E Ultra-G Reinforced; 8069E Ultra-D Double coated

Duct Tapes
1900 Econom; 2903 Standart; 2904, 6969 Industrial; 3903I Plumber’s tape

Splicing Tapes
396, 850, 8402, 8403 Polyester (РЕТ) based tapes; 8421, 8422 For splicing photographic films.

Other Tapes
5401 — Traction tapes protects again slipping лента; 2552 Damping tape suppresses vibration and noise
Showing 1–10 of 118 results
Showing 1–10 of 118 results