cab SQUIX, X, A+ print heads

Thermal print heads for thermal transfer printers cab (Germany) series SQUIX, X and A+. Thermal transfer heads with the addition of “.3” in the index, for example, 4.3 have greater durability and allow both direct thermal on thermal paper and thermal transfer printing using a ribbon ink tape.


SKU: printheads-cab-squix-x-aplus Tag:


SKUNamePrinting resolutionPrint TechnologyPrintersPriceBuy
5954105.001+cab SQUIX, X, A+ print heads - A2+, 300 dpi, thermal transfer300 dpithermal transferA2+410.00
5958686.001+cab SQUIX, X, A+ print heads - A2+, 600 dpi, thermal transfer600 dpithermal transferA2+560.00
5954085.001+cab SQUIX, X, A+ print heads - A4+, 203 dpi, direct thermal, thermal transfer203 dpidirect thermal, thermal transferA4+390.00
5954081.001+cab SQUIX, X, A+ print heads - A4+, 203 dpi, thermal transfer203 dpithermal transferA4+350.00
5954089.001+cab SQUIX, X, A+ print heads - A4+, 300 dpi, direct thermal, thermal transfer300 dpidirect thermal, thermal transferA4+490.00
5954072.001++cab SQUIX, X, A+ print heads - A4+, 300 dpi, thermal transfer300 dpithermal transferA4+450.00
5954077.001+cab SQUIX, X, A+ print heads - A4+, 600 dpi, thermal transfer600 dpithermal transferA4+880.00
5954217.001+cab SQUIX, X, A+ print heads - A6+, 203 dpi, thermal transfer203 dpithermal transferA6+580.00
5954106.001+cab SQUIX, X, A+ print heads - A6+, 300 dpi, thermal transfer300 dpithermal transferA6+740.00
5954107.001+cab SQUIX, X, A+ print heads - A8+, 300 dpi, thermal transfer300 dpithermal transferA8+940.00
5977384.001+cab SQUIX, X, A+ print heads - SQUIX2, 300 dpi, thermal transfer300 dpithermal transferSQUIX2410.00
5977385.001+cab SQUIX, X, A+ print heads - SQUIX2, 600 dpi, thermal transfer600 dpithermal transferSQUIX2560.00
5977382.001++cab SQUIX, X, A+ print heads - SQUIX_4, 203 dpi, direct thermal, thermal transfer203 dpidirect thermal, thermal transferSQUIX_4390.00
5977383.001++cab SQUIX, X, A+ print heads - SQUIX_4, 300 dpi, direct thermal, thermal transfer300 dpidirect thermal, thermal transferSQUIX_4490.00
5977444.001++cab SQUIX, X, A+ print heads - SQUIX_4, 300 dpi, thermal transfer300 dpithermal transferSQUIX_4450.00
5977380.001++cab SQUIX, X, A+ print heads - SQUIX_4, 600 dpi, thermal transfer600 dpithermal transferSQUIX_4630.00
5977386.001+cab SQUIX, X, A+ print heads - SQUIX 6.3, 203 dpi, direct thermal, thermal transfer203 dpidirect thermal, thermal transferSQUIX 6.3580.00
5977387.001+cab SQUIX, X, A+ print heads - SQUIX 6.3, 300 dpi, direct thermal, thermal transfer300 dpidirect thermal, thermal transferSQUIX 6.3740.00
5987351.001cab SQUIX, X, A+ print heads - SQUIX 8.3, 300 dpi, direct thermal, thermal transfer300 dpidirect thermal, thermal transferSQUIX 8.3940.00

Additional information


A2+, A4+, A4+M, A4+T, A6+, A8+, SQUIX 6.3, SQUIX 8.3, SQUIX_4, SQUIX_4.3, SQUIX2, XC Q4, XC Q6, XD Q

Printing resolution

203 dpi, 300 dpi, 600 dpi

Print Technology

direct thermal, thermal transfer, thermal transfer